FREE, High-Protein, Macro-Balanced Meal Plan
Anyone who struggles with constant sweet and salty cravings in between or soon after meals needs this FREE 7-day high protein meal plan.
Grab Eight NEW high protein meal and snack recipes to keep you feeling full and satisfied with all day energy. Just drop your name and email below.
Over the past 28 years as a registered dietitian, one of the most common complaints I hear from my clients is they don’t have enough TIME to eat healthy.
They are working all day and by the time they get home, they are too tired to have the energy to make a quality meal so they either order out or grab something quick and easy (and less nutritious) to eat.
I KNOW when they are reaching their protein and fiber goals, they will feel more full and satisfied. They won’t struggle with the cravings and overeating in the afternoons and evenings like they do when they skip meals and eat fast food.
This is why I created this FREE weekly meal plan that averages under 1500 calories, 118 grams of protein, and 18 grams of fiber every day of the week to help you feel more satisfied and in control.
Having a meal plan can make all the difference

Envision this...
Each weekend:
You look at your ready-made meal plan with the attached grocery list to determine what you need at the store. (15 minutes)
You go to the store (30 minutes)
You prepare 8 new portion-controlled, high-protein recipes and put them in the refrigerator or freezer to eat on during the week. (under 2 hours)
Imagine this...
Imagine the time savings of having all of your meals and snacks planned out for the whole week!
Imagine the decreased stress on your drive home from work knowing that you won’t have to try to think of something healthy to make once you get home.
Imagine the money you will save on eating out and ordering in!
Imagine being able to successfully hit your fat loss goal or decrease your cholesterol, blood pressure, or blood sugars.
Take the first step towards reaching your health and wellness goals by grabbing this FREE, tasty, macro-balanced meal plan.