Introducing… Nourish You

Stop the dieting and start seeing results.

Learn the roadmap to successfully losing fat and keeping it off for good.

Join the 8-week nutrition intensive for women over 40 who want to learn the secrets to using nutrition to increase their metabolism and energy levels for the long term.

The Next Nourish You Program starts later this year

Join the No Obligation interest list today for early action bonuses, discounts and updates on the next Nourish You Program.

    This Is For You If…

    • You’re a woman over 40

    • You want to learn how you can not only lose weight, but lose excess fat that seems to be increasing since you turned 40

    • You’re tired of the short term, deprivation diets

    • You’re ready to learn how to lose it in a way you can keep it off for good.

    If you are like most of my clients, chances are you are motivated to lose the weight but you are overwhelmed with all of the information you see in the news and on social media.

    Should you cut carbs, go high fat, do intermittent fasting, increase cardio…? Or maybe you have already tried some or all of these without success.


    And with so many nutrition coaches, personal trainers and nutritionists out there selling different programs, it’s easy to wonder who to trust to give you the best advice that will work for you and YOUR body.

    Or you might feel ashamed or embarrassed that you have tried other programs, diets, cleanses, detoxes and have failed to stick to them for long term.

    Or maybe you lost the weight, only to gain it back.

    You are NOT alone.

    Weight loss is not easy and it gets even harder after age 40.

    Each time we try to lose weight and fail, our self-esteem takes another hit and we feel less and less confident we will ever be able to be successful.

    You deserve more than that.

    BUT change takes time, consistency and perseverance.

    I want you to learn how to create long, term sustainable habits which give you the energy, focus and motivation you deserve without the frustration that comes with trying to figure it out all on your own.

    Let’s get real for a moment…

    virtual nutrition coaching with a client

    Join the No Obligation interest list today for early action bonuses, discounts and updates on the next Nourish You Program.

      How Nourished You Works:

      Over the 8 week program, you will learn to incorporate the 5 M’s of fat loss into your daily routine:

      1. Macronutrient Balance

      2. Meal Planning

      3. Movement

      4. Mindfulness

      5. Moderation

      Hi, I'm Kim. A 53 year old dietitian of over 28 years.

      I'm the owner of Strength in Nutrition and the creator of the Nourish You program

      I am a certified personal trainer and registered dietitian with a BS in Dietetics and over 25 years experience working in the hospital, gyms and rehab facilities.

      Since becoming a dietitian in 1995, I have seen the diet fads and trends come and go and I have tried nearly every one. Growing up with the “clean plate” mentality and turning to food for comfort took a toll on my relationship with food, metabolism and self esteem. It took until my 40’s when I found myself at my heaviest that I decided I needed to take a different approach.

      I began studying functional nutrition or rather than just looking at food intake, I focused on the whole body including sleep, stress, gut health, exercise/movement, blood sugar regulation, hormonal balance, mindset, etc. This was truly a gamechanger for me and completely changed how I lived and worked with my patients and clients.

      Join the No Obligation interest list today for early action bonuses, discounts and updates on the next Nourish You Program.