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    Other FREEBIES… (Fill out form at bottom of the page for any of the free guides)

    burgers and french fries

    Conquering Your Cravings

    Whether it’s mid-morning, mid-afternoon or late evening, cravings can derail even the best intentions. It’s common to blame cravings on decreased willpower but it may, instead, be related to macronutrient balance of your meals. If you struggle with cravings and want to learn 5 steps to conquering them.

    female athlete

    Fueling For Performance

    Proper nutrition and fluid intake can make or break a workout. It could mean the difference between strength and endurance gains vs losses. Are you timing your food and hydration around exercise in order to fuel your best performance? Click below for guide which gives you tips for before, during and after workout fueling strategies.

    woman enjoying her meal

    Mindful Eating

    Running from activity to activity, eating in the car, sitting in front of the computer, television or phone while scarfing down a meal. Do any of those things sound familiar? These habits can reek havoc on our relationship with food. Click below to break down why we eat and how to become more mindful about what is going in our mouths.

    weights and long bands for exercise

    Making Healthy Habits Stick

    Making short term positive changes is easy. It can be challenging to stick to them for the long term. This guide walks you through tips to setting yourself up for success in creating positive changes as well as making those undesirable habits less desirable.

    Woman jumping in the air

    Boosting Your Energy Levels

    Low energy levels are a common complaint in our field and can be related to any number of factors including diet, exercise, fluid intake, sleep and overall health. Learn more about specific tips in each of these areas that you can easily incorporate into your life and routine which can make a difference in boosting your daily energy levels.

    healthy foods

    Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle

    Inflammation can be the primary driver in chronic disease including: heart disease, diabetes, cancer and auto-immune illnesses. There is not 1 simple thing that is the primary cause of inflammation but can be caused by the combination of many lifestyle factors. Learn a few valuable tips in each of the 5 primary categories to decrease the inflammation in your body.